The first day of classes, each student was paired with a partner who they would sketch as a tart (yes, the pastry kind). By interviewing them, you would have been able to get a sense of who they were and how you would represent them in your tart sketch. My partner, Isha, was strikingly similar to me in that we shared an interest in spirituality and the belief in a better future. Coming from a very restricted society, she sought her move to New York as a window of opportunity to better express who she is and live life to the fullest. She has a very sweet personality, like the tart itself, but a core that is bursting with enthusiasm ready to become open to the world. Thusly, I depicted a tart in a half-open wrapper on a billboard to symbolize just that. I made the setting in New York by the Manhattan bridge, for this is where her new life begins. Eventually, we had to take a section of the image that we drew that would serve as a good repeating pattern or logo. Thusly, I focused on capturing the part of the bridge that has jail-like bars to show confinement in Isha’s old life in India, and the windows in the building to demonstrate that window of opportunity. It took a few tries until I was finally satisfied with my design, depicted in the last image. I then overlaid the motif cutout over different types of colored paper that would best emulate Isha’s personality and her backstory. The combination of blues gives a sense of composure and serenity, but also describes the Isha’s tumultuous past; meanwhile the pop of bright green inserts some playfulness that I noticed in her.