Visual Essay- Evolution of the Human Body

This assignment consisted of the deconstruction of an item or concept with a significant prevalence throughout history. I concentrated on the concept of transforming the human body by means of adoration, clothing, accessories, etc. This interest was sparked by a trip to Thailand, where I saw many Kinari statue in the Grand Palace wearing ear cuffs. I later found out that these ear cuffs were known as Kaffas and are part of the traditional Thai dress. However, seeing such accessories on a statue hundreds of years old made me wonder how the far into the future the human mind perceives, and how there has always been some desire in humans to elevate or reconfigure the body through accessories, clothing, and even surgical procedures. I first created the mood board below to convey this concept to the class. I later expanded on the history, present, and potential future course of this concept in a visual essay format in order to study how this is so heavily engrained into humankind. For the mood board, I used Photoshop to cut the subjects from the backgrounds, and to adjust the tones. I then processed and laid out all the images into a collage on Illustrator and used various tools to add accents such as lines and paint. For the Visual Essay, I used InDesign and created my own layout using a grid to make sure all pages are consistent.




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