Photo Assignment

written response:

Learning and diving deeper into the manual controls, particularly with studying different lighting effects, will help me in capturing the eeriness of the foundational issues of central park. Particularly, after being introduced to Gregory Crewdson and his relationship with both artificial light and natural light, along with subjects and positions, I really want to embody and use his style as inspiration for my work.

Regarding the improvement of project presentations, I think the knowledge I learned today will allow me to better describe the atmosphere and emotional/observational quality I want my work to add. Further, it will create a shift into the mood I want to transcend the viewer visually into with words, clarifying my initial thought and outcome for the project.

The skills I’m developing with my DSLR, particularly in curating my own lighting effects, without auto white balance and conceptualizing lighting design, can further enrich the vibe and aura I want my work to portray. More so, getting comfortable with a DSLR and shooting the city’s inhabitants, in that I’m capturing a raw/unedited version of the scene I’m seeing can help encapsulate the time and culture of Central Park now (and how it relates to its history).

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