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2 Mandalas, Handmade and Digital combined, inspired from my personality and precious memories that made who I am right now


The journey I started a few years ago with yoga was probably the first time I came across mandalas. Since then their way of arrangement, the stillness in all the cars and the symmetry that each one has is enough for you to be driven in them. The ancient philosophy behind them varies across different cultures but the main idea is to express the lifestyle within a way that it is also a tool to use during meditation.



A trip to the Rubin Museum



One of the important aspects of this project was taking a personality test, which according to the answers tells you what type of personality you have. It wasn’t a surprise for me that, the strongest part of the test results was about me being an observer.

 With the help of the results I had, I began to gather things around and start sketching about some ideas that I wanted to incorporate in my design.


The media that I used for my mandala piece is mostly gauche. Which requires some preparations before you start to paint with it. Making the correct consistency and gathering the paints near you, speeds the process and gives you a better end result.






After creating a very detailed and expressive handmade mandala, I wanted to keep my digital mandala very simple. This gave the opportunity to combine both of my mandalas together and present as one piece which carries the message of Unity. I placed my digital mandala in the middle of my handmade one to act as a seed syllable. The pattern which my digital mandala has the first letter ‘L’  of my name. It is repeated to complete a circle to represent a sun that shines through.




I have decided to combine both of my digital and handmade mandalas together to have a sense of unity. Where as my digital mandala is located in the middle of my handmade one acting as a seed syllabus / my signature.





Above all, the most important outcome of this project for me was setting a gaze inside me. Observing what I have experienced in the past and excepting everything that I went through as a blessing. A blessing that lifts me up and sources the being I am right now.

I'm an artists in the making. I have thoughts under construction and feelings under protection.

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