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Week 1: Great Acceleration

Below are some answers to couple of questions about sustainability and the act that us, artist should take.


1) With the rising population of the world, humans impact the places that they live, and the sources that they use in a way that it can pay back a lot heavier and harsher on earth than imagined. The growing worldwide economy and the increasing number of consumers, the natural balances between systems is getting damaged. Me, being a contemporary designer I need to plan and create my work with a caring and a mindful approach to be able to influence others with the same message.


2) As for the work definitely graphs and tables can be designed by designers and artist to have a stronger affect on the community. Other than the technical stuff, posters and advertisements about sustainability can be created by designers and artists.


3) Long-Life De<sign is something that I am very interested in because of my culture and the way that I was brought up. Caring each and every object and having a common sense on use is probably the key to sustainability. After you have bought and object/ fashion piece/ material etc. it shouldn’t end up in your trash can the day after its been used. To give it a longer life you can switch its purpose of usage and re-shape the way that you were using it.

4) Thinking and designing beyond the present means to shape the future to me. If you design can live longer than you, new generations will benefit and also look up to it as a source of inspiration.

5) If designers only consider with a linear- system perspective when they think about systems, the situation will get even worse. Because, we as the makers and thinkers need to care for the upcoming years and maybe decades of this planet by making logical and critical decisions on what we make and what we put out to the world for the people to be inspired from.


6) It can be easy to forget the other creature living with us on the same planet/ environment while we are strongly focused on our needs and ourselves. To sustain our needs and wants, we try to gather stuff from all around the world by using various types of shipment and exchanges. While this vast spending and shopping continues, the rest of the world habitants such as animals, plants etc. gets damaged directly or gets affected by us destroying their living environment. To cure and hopefully stop this terrifying series of events, it only takes some critical and sensible thinking and caring. With changing our daily habits to more sustainable choices, we can take the first step.


‘Forest In The Toilet Paper’ Illustration


‘Forest In The Toilet Paper’ Systems Map

I'm an artists in the making. I have thoughts under construction and feelings under protection.

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