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Artist Statement for Studio Project

Whenever I come across a situation where I need to call myself an artist, I always hesitate. I don’t know why, but somehow the word ‘artist’ gets stuck in the barriers of my mind and can’t escape verbally. Maybe it’s because of how I underestimate myself and my work or it is just an unnecessary comparison between me and the others out there. And yes, I think the second one is more accurate to the point.

In my artistic practice, I see myself as a mirror to the outer world. A mirror that not only reflects what it’s facing to, but also absorbs the surroundings. My inspiration sources don’t need to be complex nor deep for me to come up with something that uniquely represents me. I can really work with what I am exposed to and make it suit my personality and my experiences that made me who I am. Simple pleasures, little things and mindful acts speak to me the most.

So when coming up with a final project for my seminar and studio class, I thought I would combine my passion of cooking and baking with the new artistic skills that I have gained through out this first year. I came up with recipe ideas and combinations of food that I like to prepare and eat, which then I  shot in a set up scene. With the prints of the images, my plan is to create a ‘food book’ where the readers will not only take a peek at my food images but also meet my artistic Cook side in the kitchen.

I'm an artists in the making. I have thoughts under construction and feelings under protection.

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