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Block Printing Trial


As an elective this year I chose to go for a completely different direction that I have chosen before and threw myself in the world of fabric and textiles. I am so glad that I did! I feel like I am skipping down the street with joy and passion to every class and don’t mind a bit working straight for 4 hours.

I guess once you like you will love it!


So, for our first assignment we were assigned to come up with a design that represents our designer style and character. Since I am a Turkish designer – to be, one of the first symbols/ images that came to my mind was a big, bountiful pomegranate. As a symbol, it can represent many of things such as fertility, bounty, beauty and creativity. I knew from the first moment that it was meant for me to connect myself with these values through the symbol.

So I began sketching my design and traced it on to a lino pad and worked my way into carving it.

Then came the color decisions and compositions. I went a bit experimental at first but then decided to keep it in its original color, red/burgundy.


And then came the final print

Now that I have sprint that I am happy and comfortable with, I will be experimenting with pressing it on different items of clothing and possibly wearing them!


I'm an artists in the making. I have thoughts under construction and feelings under protection.

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