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Dipping My Hands In To The Marble World


I have a feeling that the elective I am taking this semester is possibly one of my favourites so far. The hands on process of making and discovering new techniques which broaden my artistic perspective and pump some courage in me is the reason why. Every week we practice a new technique that we get to see the demonstration and actually make at least 3 pieces of it on our own!

Since I am Turkish and the marbling practice is very familiar and common in my culture, I felt way more connected and enthusiastic about this project. So below are a couple Turkish marble examples that I got inspired from.

So before I get more excited let me show you a bit of WIP.


And then it was time to lay my prepared fabric over the design and dip it in the water bucket to see the colours. Too much excitement!

So here are some of the scans of the marbling that came out. However the more I practiced the more I felt like I improved on my designs so for the final I decided to go with these three shown below.

And then the magical touch of technology came in to the game and worked its magic by enlarging the original print’s size and ended up with a yard of marbling design!



So I think I am mesmerised by the water – color and creativity combination that I am already planning new versions of them!


Thank you for coming along my marbling journey, more to come!


I'm an artists in the making. I have thoughts under construction and feelings under protection.

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