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The Lover or The Reflection?

There are countless mythological stories that are based in the middle eastern area and especially many located in Mesopotamia, simply called the birthplace of many nations.  As a child I was so lucky to visit and experience many historical ruins and historical places such as Ephesus, Aphrodisias, The House of Virgin Mary in person due to the fact that they were all located in the area.  With the innocent creativity of a child, I always dreamt about the gods and goddesses and their lifestyle. I tried to imagine what their lives were like and if it was any different from ours.

This particular mythological story is based on the moon Goddess Selene and her mortal love, Endymion and how it changed from a love story to a self obsession. Throughout my childhood I listened the story multiple times from my great aunt and with the help of her descriptive storytelling, I was able to picture it in my mind. Although, it is very tricky to be sure of the actual story because there isn’t any ‘true’ way of telling it. Everyone puts their own impact and twist on the actual story and shapes it in a different way. I tried my best to stick with the version that I grew up listening and put it both in words and imagery.

This assignment of the Language and Letterform class provided a huge throwback to my childhood and gave the opportunity to bring my imaginative gods and goddesses to life. Watercolour, gouache was the main medium that I used.



I'm an artists in the making. I have thoughts under construction and feelings under protection.

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