Is The Man Who Is Tall Happy?

Lily Aksan

Documentary Animation Is The Man Who Is Tall Happy


This documentary is a hand drawn animation created in response to an interview with Noam Chomsky that the animator conducted. Using animation in combination with edited and collaged video footage of the interview itself.


Animation is advantageous for this film because of the subject of the interview. The discussion is centered around linguistics and how humans define what is what, and why. Animation is fluid like the conversation. It add visual interest to a discussion that is interesting only relating to sound before its creation. The relationship between visuals and sound are very interesting. They reflect the subject of the discussion, but abstract it so that there are almost two narratives going on, although they are the same- just relating to two different senses. The visual elements reinforce the auditory, and vice versa. However they are experienced in entirely different ways because of the nature of each medium.


It is also interesting to note that the animator is the interviewer. So his experience of the interview is reflected in the visuals. The viewer can see when he is confused, or understands the idea so greatly that he elaborates on it further visually.

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