-How do you plan to approach this class?
I am planning to develop more of my artistic identity throughout the class and explore new features that I haven’t try before.
-What you would like to get out of it?
My artistic identity and really continue to produce more works. I also want to continue to try more of observation drawing by using different ways of drawing it, such as a pen or using wiggly lines.
-How would it best serve you?
It best serves me by letting me create and use different mediums, therefore it is unlimited. Also, by listening to different critques and viewing other people’s works can give me a broader view.
-How will your college experience serve you?
College is like a small society, where it helps you to prepare and give you resources to access many things. It is helpful that there are a lot of chances and resources that we can use, moreover, having the time to develop your skills.
-How will you engage your class to seek out learning?
I know that I may not always be good at class participation ( ex. rising your hand and answering ), however, I believe in the process of getting used to the environment, I will be more talkative; at least now I am encouraging myself more. But, there also other factors to engage, for example, by listening and especially to have the enthusiastic of creating art.