personal plastic consumption

One week personal plastic consumption

After keeping track of my daily plastic consume, I started to see and think more about how much of food plastic ends up in my garbage bin. Everything wraps in plastics, be the berries, the apples, broccoli, or the eggs. I am not getting even started to list the plastic containers for milk, Joghurt, water, and more. Immediately you begin to see how to depend our consume is on plastic and how it demands our daily life’s.

Isn’t there something better to use? What if mushrooms we grow could be an alternative plastic option?

After seeing mushrooms can fix our plastic problem documentary on youtube, Ted talks and articles. I started to experiment, planting, and dye with oyster, portobello, and shiitake mushrooms for my dress project. I began to see how powerful nature is if we try to learn from it. Going further, what if the soil we have in our garden can become a ligament to dye beautiful shades of purple, pink and red through the process as we know fermentation. If Flemming were alive today, he would be amazed to hear this, I bed! Questions over questions and results will follow. That should be spirit to tackle biodiversity in future and get less dependent on plastic as we are today. I remember my dad saying;” Lisa when you depend on someone or something you will only get to a certain distance. But the infinity you get with flexibility, mistakes, and curiosity.” And it’s true; we have to questions ourselves more. Why don’t I recycle more, is it because time moves to fast to think twice? How can I grow something myself without buying too expensive mushrooms in the grocery store? How can I make something that mimics nature properties and sustains for infinite time?

This project helped me to raise all of these questions and be aware of the plastics I consume every day, which I already try to minimize more. For example, cooking more often, but only what I need and grow myself. Just something to think about…, In the age of Crysta, “do it yourself lab” is become a popular culture to experiment with natural properties and genetic engineering. We have to be ready for the consequences and positives of this conversation!













BFA Fashion Design

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