Annotated Bibliography

Bradatan, Costica. “The Wisdom of the Exile.” The New York Times, August 16, 2014.
Provides history on the origin of the Tango, and connects those who created the dance to the subject of ‘exiles’. Compares leaving a physical location to leaving ones old self, uprooting, and creating a new life and persona. Socrates voluntarily became an exile in his own town, but lived as a foreigner within it. Philosophers have a need to uproot themselves from their own communities. Exile can be symbolic or very literal.

Kimmelman, Michael. “In Protest, the Power of Place.” The New York Times, October 15, 2011.

Urbach, Henry. “Exhibition as Atmosphere.” Log 20 (2010): 11-17.

Vigeland, Tess. “When A Budget Motel Is ‘Home,’ There’s Little Room For Childhood.” NPR, August 16, 2015. Accessed January 29, 2019.
In San Bernardino, California, there is a row of cheap motels that are often home for meth users and those on probation. What you wouldn’t expect is that its also home to many families with young children. California ranks third in the percentage of homeless children. San Bernardino is the poorest American city for its size second to Detroit. Close to 97 percent of students live below the poverty line, with 50 percent receiving public assistance.

Vimeo. August 23, 2018. Accessed January 29, 2019.
Documents multiple generations of the people of the Kelowna settlement in British Columbia. Interviews Okanagan Nation speakers on the history of the settlement. This film highlights the struggle of the people despite their peaceful approach and hopeful ending.

Zeisel, John. “Chapter 7: Observing Physical Traces.” In Inquiry by Design: Tools for Environment-Behavior Research, 90-137. New York, NY: W. W. Norton, 1981.
Discusses the conversation a designer must have with themself in consideration to the “environment-behavior”of many aspects. Research must be done to plan the interactions a design will have with its environment, users, builders, and vice-versa.

Rawlence, Ben. “City of Thorns.” NPR. Accessed February 13, 2019.

Mcclelland, Mac. “How to Build a Perfect Refugee Camp.” The New York Times. February 13, 2014.

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