ASSIGNMENT#17 – 2 TED Talks- Neighborhoods Design Exploration- due week 8, 3/12/2019

The first TED talk shared the unique perspective of an urban planner/designer who has had the opportunity to let children’s ideas design new public spaces. While most people would probably turn this idea away, she embraced the ideas of the youth and turned them into successful projects in the real world. She mentions that children have a biological need for nature and are inclusive of all living things. The part that resonated most with me was when she said that thinking about constraints from the begging kills ideas before they are born and limits creativity in the long run.

The second TED talk emphasizes the relationships between spaces. He says that designers should be mindful of not only their vision for the future of a space, but the vision that the people have that will actually be around the space. He says that one should identify the pulse of a neighborhood and revive it. I really enjoyed this talk, as I think he made some really great points that I have not heard before.

The second talk is definitely relevant to my neighborhood. I think the idea of reading a neighborhoods pulse to identify needs is very important and I will keep it in mind the next time I am there.

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