Reading and Writing Response #5: Ram Devineni Discussion

Questions for Ram Devineni :

1.) Why do you think you are qualified to tell stories on a woman’s rape experience as a man?

2.) Have you considered altering the story of Priya Shakti for other cultures?

3.) How do you see the story of Priya Shakti impacting India within the next 5-10 years? Do you believe the conversation you’ve started can influence actual legislation to help prevent and decrease sexual assault based crimes?


Answers to the reading questions:

Question #1:

We think we’re designing for humans; but we are really designing for individuals in negotiation with other systems. How does the individual relate to these larger systems?

Response #1:

Although the systems we design are in negotiation with the pre-existing systems that we are immersed in, at the core of our design, we are making decisions based off the systems we have already created. Meaning the systems that we are negotiating with and working around are still systems that we have created, impacted, or altered in one way or another. Individuals relate to these larger systems through their use of interaction with them. As humans, if we fail to engage with all components of our multifaceted systems,  we would sipmly redesign systems that better fit our needs.


Question #2:

How are power & control constructed through images, design, networks, algorithms and economies?

Response #2:

Power is often time communicated through infrastructure and architecture. Buildings such as the White House and the Capital clearly indicate the impact and influence the have over the country through their pristine white color, gargantuan size, and mountain sized pillars.


Question #3:

How is agency constructed? What is it, who has it, how is it acquired and facilitated?

Response #3:

Agency is constructed based off of need. I view agencies as a vehicle in which we are able to operate large scale man made systems. It is embedded within most cultures and is facilitated by individuals who have been deemed fit.


Question #4:

How do we design and represent our own identities, and design those of others?

Response #4:

We design and represent our identities based off the influence of others and our ideal versions of ourselves. Whereas when defining and representing the identities of others, we use the information and understanding gathered from our own personal experiences in combination with what we see from thatindividual.


Question #5:

What bodies and users are empowered through different kinds socially designed frameworks?

Response #5:

Different types of individuals are able to find relation amongst one another.


Question #6:

What are social, political, economic implications of the data we generate and information we monetize?

Response #6:

Socially, we are able to manipulate the general public into believing the truth we have defined for them. Politically, we are able to apply these distorted pieces of information that create the desire for unnecessary legislation. Economically, we are able to push people to work harder than they need to in order to main an imaginary system.



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