object: mechanical gills

The best advanced filtration system for life on and under the water!

I cycled through a lot of ordinary objects when thinking about what I wanted to make, and in doing so found that a lot of my thoughts were coming from this core idea of an underwater market. I was reading earlier this week about a group of people across the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia who have become physically adapted to live underwater—that is, to spend a large amount of their daily lives fishing and diving underwater. 

I decided to develop my idea of an underwater night market of sorts, which in my mind is a part of a much larger matrix, but is largely a source for fish, found treasure, hunting supplies, and so on. 

The object I designed is sort of a hybrid between scuba gear and a water filtration system—essentially it’s a set of (mysteriously functional) mechanical lungs, which filter air through a specialized diving mask. I also depicted goggles and a set of ear pressurizers, meant for use in deeper waters, though they’re technically not part of the object itself. 

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