Reflection Studio and Seminar 1 and 2

I am a freshman at The New School who moved from Syracuse, NY to pursue my passion and earn a dual degree of a BFA in Communication Design and a BA in Culture Media. I am very interested in film, photography, music, and fashion. I would love to work for W magazine in their social media and branding section as well as a focus in their party category. I also aspire to create my online magazine and blog platform for talented and unknown college artists to get their work out and noticed by big and popular brands. I am very passionate about animal rights and our environment and try to incorporate one or the other in most of my projects.
When comparing my integrative one seminar and studio to my integrative two seminar and studio courses, there were a lot of similarities and differences. Some of the similarities in both seminar classes were when we would do reading reviews and short analysis on our homework, which was usually to read an article. However, the subjects of the items were very different. In my first seminar class, the focus was on memory so we would usually read articles on that subject and in my second seminar class, the focus was sustainable systems where we would learn about examples of different types of systems mostly located in NYC. The difference between these two projects was that my first seminar and studio classes were more connected compared to my second. For my final project in my first seminar and studio class, we were to write an outline of a video and then do a research paper on a particular topic and then with that the investigation we were to present a 5-8 minute documentary on that relevant topic. However, my final in my second seminar and studio classes were a little different. I was still required to write a research paper on a subject that was interesting to me but, it didn’t have to directly relate to my walk, which was my final in my second studio.
A highlight in my first seminar and studio class was a group project we did that consisted of a short three paged paper in my seminar class on a memory relating back to a particular color, which I did red and tied it back to all the Shirley Temples I used to drink when I was younger, and voice recordings of stories from everyone in our group relating to that memory. The primary objective was for everyone to understand what color your team chose clearly and if we were successful in doing so. My group was very successful with doing so and got an excellent grade on this assignment.
A highlight in my second seminar and studio class was my first bridge project called “Bridge 1- Grand Central Reflection.” In our seminar class, for this bridge, we were required to write a 500-word essay on our experience of Grand Central Station, where we visited in our studio class, and relate it back to a reading we did called “Simultaneous Perception.” I had never been to Grand Central Station before so I had a fresh and an uninfluenced perception, from no previous visits. You can see this essay at However, before writing that article, in my studio class, we visited Grand Central and did a scavenger hunt with a partner and checked off a list of landmarks in the station. Then after doing so, we created a Learning Portfolio post of our experience with pictures. You can see this post at

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