Sonic Portrait

Sonic Portrait






The space that inspired the project:

My dorm room. Specifically about the transitional space my roommates and I share in a triple, I wanted to focus on one roommate in particular named Sayo. Sayo falls asleep randomly and has the most difficult time waking up of any person i’ve ever met. She sets countless alarms everyone morning that wake everyone but her and we’re left with the task of waking her up. She also sleep talks in Japanese as well as sporadically yells random nonsense.

your working process: what sounds did you record, how did you process them?

My track has these sounds:

  1. Keyboard Typing (Beginner and ender)
  2. Tea mugs clanking ( Throughout)
  3. The Air Conditioner button (minor beat)
  4. Sayo’s Alarm clock noise ( Corresponds with main beat)
  5. A beat made from hitting the desk (Main beat)
  6. Tea kettle stewing (undertone white noise)
  7. Sayo’s vocals as well as mine and my other roommate Christina. (Loudest part a.k.a focal point)
  8. The spraying of bug spray ( One part)

what was your compositional strategy or objective?

I wanted to have musical elements such as the beat but most importantly I wanted to focus on the story that it tells with the vocals. I would say this falls under the category experimental electronic music. The true objective is to take you into the inner corners of Sayo’s mind as she’s in this limbo of sleep and awareness.

your assessment of your work: did it fulfill your expectations? Did it exceed your expectations? If so, in what ways?

Yes, I would say it exceeded my expectations and that I am proud of this piece. I feel it is a completely honest representation of the state of mind she’s in and how that reflects to the mood in our room daily.

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