Time: Final Video Lady Combed in Gold

Maegan Sundlie
Time Metropolis
Aaron Cohen
Proposal of Final Project
Final Proposal

My final project will be similar to the last sonic portrait project we did. I will use my favorite choice of media digital photography to create images of dissociation and attachment through a cultural visual study using honey and models. I will also record a soundtrack that does not relate to the images but when placed together it will create a story. I will place a form of layover over the images to create movement in the stills as well as add a collage of old footage into it. My project is inspired by Blake Little, his photography specifically in his shoot called Preservation gave me the idea to use honey to explain a form of covering and the idea of a preserved body. I want to make it my own by using it to bring people both together and apart, I will show two different types of skin color and make both a cultural and political statement of both attached and detached. I will use my canon and go to Tribeca to use my friends rooftop to do the shoot. I have recently purchased honey and have chosen models. Within the next few weeks I will have successfully organized,shot,edited, and developed my final project. I will you use the knowledge I’ve gained from class of Adobe Premiere to edit and put together my piece as well as use Adobe Audition to form my soundtrack. I will inform the class of my idea and inspirations for the piece then display the final movie to my class on the projector.

The themes throughout my film are
-The chase of life and death
-The ideals of Western beauty that are projected onto the youth and society
-Iconic movements that have shaped generation x
-The sticky goo that both connects and disconnects humans of different cultures together.

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