LP Journal Entry Week 2


When I first got to college I had a bit of an identity crisis. Maybe I’m still having one, I don’t know. I had never been in an environment even remotely like the one at Parsons. Where I went to High School, popularity wasn’t a big thing; there was no popular group- most people just did their own thing and had fun doing it. In my short time at college here, I’ve noticed that social climbing is definitely prevalent, which was kind of expected- it being an art/design school in New York City. This probably shouldn’t have had such a big effect on me; why does it matter what others are doing? But it did. I was constantly grappling with my identity. I was always asking myself, “Who am I? What is my purpose? What do I want?” Before I came to college, to this city, I thought I knew a ton of stuff about myself. But I’ve since realized that it’s okay to not be absolutely sure of who you are or what you want. Those are some big ass questions, and they take time to figure out. So as long as I vow to never stop exploring my identity, I think I’ll be good.

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