The Best of Friends

Leaving high school behind and moving onto college means separating from some of the people you love the most. As I look forward to the future and all the possibilities and opportunities that studying at the New School will bring me, having separated from my friends leaves a melancholy feeling that lingers over me. I am beyond thankful for the friends I’ve made throughout my life. Some, I met in kindergarten. They have been there with me my entire life and know me better than I know myself. Some were made in middle school and helped me through the awkward years. Then there are those who I met in high school. Although I only met them three or four years ago, they quickly grew to be some of the most important people in my life whom I love the most. The end of high school means the end of seeing these wonderful people almost everyday. And while I look towards the future and try not to hold onto the past, I wish more than anything to be able to hold onto these special friends and the times we had together.

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