Wire Portrait

This wire portrait began as a blind contour line drawing of a girl in class. We did several versions of the drawings and then reviewed them all and chose the one we thought would work best as a wire piece. Once I decided on my portrait, I got to work bending them pressed up against the drawing. Once the wires were precisely bent, I taped out a boarder on my drawing to create a composition, cut my illustration board to match that size, and taped the drawing onto it. Then I poked a few holes into the board using a thumb tack, 2-3 holes per individual wire. Once the holes were poked, I sewed each piece on, removed the newspaper print drawing, and the piece was complete! I am so proud of the result. I did not think this project was going to go well considering how hard it was to mold the wore identical to my drawing, but I think I executed it really well and am so happy with the outcome.

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