Response to Part lll: 4&7 of Climate Change and Cities

Chapter four of Part lll of Climate Change and Cities talks about the systems put in place within different cities that are meant to regulate things like pollution, energy supply, and how much that city can impact climate change. These systems are extremely complex and no two run exactly the same. Each works a different way depending on where the city is, what environment surrounds them, and other factors like population. As the situation surrounding climate change grows increasingly worse, the responsibilities of a lot of these city system’s main focus becomes: how can their city reduce their impact on climate change. However, the situation of cities carry drastically, and they have different needs. Some have huge issues with pollution, while others really need to ficus on money and budget. While climate change is always important, when a city is being choked by the pollution they are producing or they don’t have enough money to support themselves, climate change has to take a bit of a back seat while they deal with the problems that can cause their demise. This chapter dives deep into the individualized issues of different cities and also the future stress of climate change through many graphs, charts, and data collection. Chapter seven, on the other hand, shifts it’s focus to specify on how climate change will impact the health of all people, whether they live in big cities, or small rural towns. Through case studies, the scientists and authors of this text have drawn many conclusions about the possible outcomes that climate change can cause. In recent history, according to the United Nations Fund (2007), we are experiencing the largest boom in population in urban areas ever. This means that millions and millions of people are concentrated into a small square footage of land. When natural disasters or epidemics strike, they hit a lot of people in a short amount of time. This makes it a lot harder to contain, control, and fix.

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