The Vessel

The Vessel is such a cool structure. When it opened up, there was a lot of buzz about it. I was seeing lots of photos of this big, bronze, beehive shape on social medial. I knew what it looked like, but wasn’t sure what it was all about until I went there. The structure itself is stunning. It is one of the most unique pieces of modern architecture I have ever scene, but still, what is it? The Vessel isn’t a building, theres nothing in it, no place to sit, and not much going on. In simple terms, it is a very elaborate staircase. Actually, that is exactly what it is. It also doesn’t have a spectacular view from the top, which makes it even more interesting. The Vessel is definitely something to admire in it’s beauty. I think it is so cool that it has attracted so many people and sold so many tickets that it’s basically sold out, when its just stairs to walk up. I would define it as a sculpture you can walk through, and its cool how many people have visited to do just that: walk up some stairs.

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