Toolkit Policy: Educate College Students to be More Economically & Ecologically Savvy

Policy Title: Educate College Students to be More Economically & Ecologically Savvy

• Purpose: The purpose of my toolkit is to help college students save money and make changes to help the environment. For my policy, I want to use my toolkit to educate students on how to make these changes on a nation wide scale. My tips and tricks booklet has its basic college tips like making a to-do list and being on time, but it most of it handles money and decreasing usage of harmful materials like plastic. All of this is very helpful to the college experience and I hope college students nation wide will pick up these habits and better themselves. These are valid concerns because a lot of students have a hard time adjusting to college life and are often too preoccupied to think about the impact of their plastic water bottle. They are also typically low on funds. I hope that if all this information is clearly set out for them, it will be easy to follow and easy to adapt to amidst the crazy transition.

• Scope: My policy applies to all universities across America and the students enrolled at these universities. The entire toolkit is made for the benefit of the student, that is who it is intended for and that’s who will get the most use out of it. My toolkit prototype was intended for New York City colleges, hence the “New York City Edition” on the label, however on a larger scale and for the policy, a different version of the same toolkit would be made for each city/state. Many things in the tips book will stay the same, for example the to-do list, parts about punctuality and time management, and all the single use plastic alternatives. Just the parts about metro cards and enjoying the city you are in will be tweaked to fit the schools they are being distributed to. The directions to making the bag will also remain the same. The map of places to eat will have to change, depending on where the schools are located. These are all fairly easy fixes and will benefit the students they are intended for. The toolkit itself is all digital, in the form of a website, so it will be easy to distribute and have versions for all around America.

• Responsible Party: My policy has three major parties that it will be involved with. The first is FAFSA, or the Federal Student Aid run by the government. FAFSA is responsible for helping students out with he heavy burdens of their tuitions, so why shouldn’t they help them find easy ways to save some money? Through my policy, I would like to make it mandatory for FAFSA to distribute the link to my website with all those emails and notices they send out. The second party I would like to incorporate is the Environmental Protection Agency. I would like them to endorse my website. Their entire goal is to protect and conserve the environment, my toolkit includes many ways for college students to make changes that will reduce their negative impact on the environment. I think it would be beneficial for the Environmental Protection Agency to support my toolkit and support my goal of educating students to make better choices for the planet. My last party, or parties, includes every college in the United States. I would like it to be a law that they need to share my website with all their incoming freshmen in some way so that they can be educated on everything I have to offer with my tools.


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