Bridge 3 Newsprint

I believe the newsprint was successful once we edited and and reformatted they layout. We changed the borders and the title. In addition, we added the classifieds section and more relevant advertisements pertaining to our specific neighborhood and articles.  We added the images that worked well alongside our articles and worked well in black and white. Our previous pictures did not look as good when made black and white, and once we changed them they looked better and had more contrast. We also used the swirling line to underline out The Crown Heights Chronicle title to add our own unique style to the design of the paper.

I am 18 years old from Long Island and have been interested in art and design my entire life. I have years of experience with photography and design and I am majoring in Communications Design. I love exploring new media and learning new ways to create and appreciate art. In the past I have completed freelance photography and design work. I have photographed for varying companies and events and have created custom album cover art for up and coming artists. I would love to continue creating and exploring deign.

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