Richard Avedon-Gesture

I was thinking of the word gesture and it led me to the famous portrait photographer Richard Avedon. I have always loved his style and the way he can capture a feeling and evoke emotion through simply the gesture of his subject. He has a way of finding an honest portrayal of people that sometimes contradict the way they chose to present themselves to the world(especially his photograph of Marilyn Monroe).

made from the engraver, 3/23/05, 5:04 PM, 16G, 5890×7386 (108+408), 100%, Hujar 91604, 1/120 s, R72.7, G57.1, B79.7

File_1135, 6/18/08, 1:20 PM, 16C, 6000×7983 (0+0), 100%, Custom, 1/80 s, R49.5, G32.0, B55.7

I am 18 years old from Long Island and have been interested in art and design my entire life. I have years of experience with photography and design and I am majoring in Communications Design. I love exploring new media and learning new ways to create and appreciate art. In the past I have completed freelance photography and design work. I have photographed for varying companies and events and have created custom album cover art for up and coming artists. I would love to continue creating and exploring deign.

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