Personal Reflection

We were asked to write a reflection to these two questions. 

  1. In terms of reading, writing, & research skills, specifically, how have you improved this semester? Describe three ways.

Reading: I’ve become a more proficient reader, when it’s just me reading to myself. I still can’t read out loud in class because I feel rushed and under pressure but I’m sure with time I will learn to relax and read at my pace. On my own with the readings I have gotten I can now sit down and either have my computer read it to me or read it myself. I think what has helped me the most is going at my speed & annotating the reading. I like the acting of annotating reading now, I’ve never really done it before. I like how I can stop reading to note anything. Anything that is on my mind, a word I don’t know, or even a sentence I really like. Annotating something definitely makes it more personal to you so you can understand the reading and what you took from it. I will start doing that more with all my readings to continue being a proficient reader.

Writing: I’ve improved in my writing by now knowing what Chicago Style format is. My whole high school career I’ve always been taught to use MLA format writing.

Research Skills: I have gotten better at using the library.  

    2.  What three aspects of your reading, writing, & research skills would you like to work on next semester? How can you address  these?

Reading: Like I said above a little, getting better at reading aloud in class. When I read aloud I don’t ever understand what I’m saying. I read the text but I just don’t comprehend it. I’m too focused on trying to say the word correctly and smoothly rather than understand what I’m saying. All I need to do is relax and go at a speed that is good for me to read everything correctly and understand what I’m reading.

Writing: With my writing I need to working on time managing it. I think I can write a good essay, if I give myself lots of time and let people look over it.

Research Skills: With my research I would like to work on collecting more of it.

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