Memoir Reflection

For our first studio bridge project, my group and I had to consider creating a call and response image thread with the overarching theme of “memoir”.

We wanted to create six sets of different stories, which spans from childhood to young adults. We were inspired by the way memories are less clear and how, overtime, they become flashes before us. We each had our ways of remembering events which is represented by our own methods of creating the photos. I took photos with different effects such as extreme exposure to show dream-like, chiaroscuro to show drama, blurriness, black and white for nostalgia, and interesting angles. My groupmate made collages of drawings and images and the other did Photoshop collage/editing. Our intent with the video flash of the repeated photos going from slow to fast are meant to show how memories are very clustered together then they are more in depth. When we recall a memory, at first it is difficult and unclear and then when more thought is put in, it becomes in focus. Life changing events really can be broken down into moments.

I believe that this way of presenting our work, and the way we each decided to create our images, is unique and worked well for our direction and meaning we wanted to convey.


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