Final Video Proposal and Timeline

Final Video Project Proposal


When I first thought about the moment the Doomsday clock strikes midnight, I thought my life would flash before my eyes. What do I wish I would have done if I had the chance? At this moment, I would have run out of time. Personally, I am always full of fear and don’t take any risks, which I believe I would regret. Generally, people talk about living with no regrets because they know they would have some, but do not live up to that promise. Everyone is currently at different stages of life, and their regrets would be distinct. I would ask people to sum up in one word: What do you wish you would have done differently? What was your life like? (Jackson) The purpose would be to create a narrative based on these words — words based on the regret people have before time is up, before Doomsday. This narrative would be strung together with voiceover and large text overlay, similar to Barbara Kruger’s political work. The videos would be of the movement of time: people aging, sun rising, people walking; however, since Doomsday is nearing, time is ending, which makes time move backward and in turn, the videos.


John Baldessari

Barbara Kruger

William S Burroughs

Ed Ruscha

Bruce Nauman

Works Cited

Donnelly, Laura. “Your Life Really Does Flash before Your Eyes before You Die, Study Suggests.” The Telegraph, Telegraph Media Group, 29 Jan. 2017,

Hawkins, Derek. “The History of the Doomsday Clock as It Moves Closer to ‘Midnight.’” The Washington Post, WP Company, 27 Jan. 2017,

Jackson, Eric. “The 25 Biggest Regrets In Life. What Are Yours?”Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 18 Oct. 2012,
Pappas, Stephanie. “The Draw of Doomsday: Why People Look Forward to the End.” LiveScience, Purch, 16 May 2011,

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