Research Paper, Final Book, and Reflection

Prompt: “What I’ve made for the final bridge project in studio and seminar is not what I would have made on the first day of either of these classes.”

Research Paper

Link to Studio Book

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In the beginning of these classes, we started by mapping a system in the city and wrote about a partner’s research method on a project from last semester. This directly correlated with Joan Didion’s Keeping a Notebook, De Certeau’s Walking in the City, and Meadows’ Thinking in Systems. The following quotes from readings in my seminar class inspired me in my projects and through them I learned the basics of storytelling and how it relates to my and my role as well as mapping in a system: “Remember what it was to be me: that is always the point” (Didion 133). “The paths that correspond in this intertwining, unrecognized poems in which each body is an element […] The networks of these moving, intersecting writings compose a manifold story that has neither author nor spectator” (De Certeau 93). “Everything seen through each kind of lens is actually there. Each way of seeing allows our knowledge of the wondrous world in which we live to become a little more complete” (Meadows 6). I believe that this final book project encompassed the skills of research and mapping from our previous bridges and allowed me to research and write in a logical manner. We each got to choose a topic to write a book chapter on, within the overall idea of food waste. I chose packaging because I am currently taking a product, promotion and packaging class that I would be able to apply material I learned from one class to another. We put together a book that has photos and digital renderings that describe the problem as well as our solutions. In my research paper, I expand on the ideas of both food and packaging waste and offer more solutions to this rising issue.

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