Group Project Word Cloud

For this week, we continued to organize the information that we had been gathering for the whole length of the project. We took keywords from all of our research, which included the survey we sent out (63 responses) and the primary research we had from our own observations. Our proposal has changed quite a lot since we started and the outcome of our project completely shifted. It was initially going to be a flyer along with a video of compiled interviews we were going to do as research for critique. Now it is going to be an educational game; each set includes two heads: a negative vs. a positive side, and words that appear multiple times in our research. The player needs to take a term, assign a side (negative or positive), and then connect it with string or something similar, to any other possible word where it draws a connection. We will bring one set for a few volunteers to try in the classroom, so that they can create their own version of this word cloud.

Word Cloud on the Topic of Critique

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