Individual Report on Personality

Individual Report on Personality


Write a 1500 word report (+/- 10%) on your own self-assessment relating to two personality tests. This will include the following sections:  

  1. RESULTS AND INTERPRETATION (Around 300 words). Your results from two personality tests, and an interpretation of these results. These tests will be provided either in class and/or made available on Blackboard in the first three or four weeks of the semester, these will be indicated as those to be used in CW1 and you are not allowed to use any other tests.  
  2. ACADEMIC CRITIQUE (Around 600 words). Use appropriate academic sources to indicate the flaws and strengths of the tests and the testing methods. You are also asked to reflect on your own experience of taking the test as well as the testing conditions  
  3. DEVELOPMENT PLAN (Around 600 words). A targeted development plan for a given job scenario (detailed requirements below).  

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