Individual Essay and Presentation




After doing some preliminary research on your project topic, you may meet with me virtually during the class break, after class, or by appointment to discuss your project. Please display a copy of your project draft, including a table of contents, at the meeting, and use captions in your draft corresponding to captions in your table of contents.

Final Project Reports are to be submitted on Canvas and are due the week of 11/2/20.
Your report should be a minimum of 12 pages in length, double-spaced, using 12-point font, Chicago-style footnote reference citations, a cover page, a table of contents page, an introduction, and a conclusion. Your report should contain an appropriate caption and separate paragraphs for each issue discussed, corresponding to your table of contents. Your cover page should have your topic title enlarged and your name, course, and date of submission. Your conclusion should include a summary of the issues raised in your report, your evaluation of whether current solutions are effective, and your recommendations regarding new possible solutions.

Project Presentations will be scheduled beginning the week of 11/9/20.
Each of the listed topics involves a specific matter of current interest to the domestic and international business community. In your project report conclusion, you should include:

  1. A summary of the highlights of your report
  2. What solutions you recommend for the problems identified in your report
  3. What you learned from the project
  4. What your expectations are with respect to the future regarding the issues raised in your report

Due to time constraints, project presentations should last no more than 10 minutes each. Your presentation should include, to the extent possible, the use of video slides and equipment available via zoom to enhance your presentation. Students who prefer to present early should send me an email ASAP confirming their preference. Each student should familiarize himself with the operating system for using zoom prior to the time of presentation to minimize delays.

NOTE: You are expected to be ready to present on the date assigned.

Project Topics:

  1. The role of Tiffany in American culture
  2. Labor unions role in protecting workers’ rights
  3. Huawei’s development and use of 5G technology
  4. PG&E settlement deal with California Wildfire Victims
  5. The Expansion of Amazon corporation in New York
  6. Electric Truck Ventures
  7. Johnson & Johnson liability for antipsychotic drug Risperdal
  8. The World Economic Forum, Davos, Italy
  9. The use of real time facial recognition by law enforcement
  10. Wells Fargo Corporate Violations
  11. Roundup Cancer Liability Lawsuits
  12. The Hagia Sophia
  13. Facebook and Equifax liability for their use of Facial Recognition Technology
  14. Tesla Batteries use in vehicular transportation
  15. College Graduates and Education Loan Payments
  16. The World Trade Organization Rulings on United States and China Commercial Disputes
  17. Major Drug Companies Liability in Opioid Litigation
  18. Forever 21 Bankruptcy filing
  19. ‘Stairway to Heaven’ copyright infringement litigation
  20. Facebook privacy violations
  21. Vulgar and Disparaging Trademarks
  22. Electric Bikes and Safety Concerns
  23. Consequences of Climate Change and Global Warming
  24. Employment discrimination in the workplace
  25. Plagiarism Issues for Students in the Digital Age
  26. Whistleblower protection laws
  27. Qui Tam Actions

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