Play a New Game: Spoons

When assigned to play a game that I had never played before, my roommate suggested playing spoons. Upon hearing that I had never played spoons before, my roommate as well as my other suite mates encouragedI played spoons for my assignment. Spoons is a card game played with a deck of cards as well as spoons. The amount of spoons you play with depends on how many people are playing. For our game, we played with five people, which meant that we plated with four spoons. The object of the game is to obtain four of a kind of a type of card. It is a very fast paced game. The player has five cards at a time and has to pass one card to their left until they have four of the same card. Once someone has four of the same card, they have to take one of the spoons from the center of the table. When the other players realize that the player has taken a spoon they all try and grab a spoon for themselves. The one player that does not have a spoon is eliminated from the next round. The game continues until there is one victor, each time one spoon is removed from the bunch.

The biggest challenge of spoons is reacting fast enough to the game around you. The first game I played I was very hesitant as to which card that I chose to pass on to the person next to me. As we continued to play more and more games I found that it was easy to eliminate one of the cards from the five in my hands. My favorite part of spoons was definitely the two different feelings of tension. One coming from finding four of the same cards, and the other making sure to keep an eye on the spoons to make sure no one of the other players have snagged a spoon before you did. My opponents weren’t very good at being subtle when taking a spoon from the center. Often they would yell creating even more of a tense situation. I had lots of fun playing spoons because of this. Games that tear a group of people apart are the best because that means that everyone is very immersed into the game and everyone wants to win.

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