Yo-Yo Yolky

This project would be an AR app for both iphone and android that will send a notification to your phone when a Humpty Dumpty is nearby. The app will take the locations you are in and humpties only appear in the same place once. The goal is to crack Humpty Dumpty like Vlad does at the end of my animation. The app would show a live preview through the camera. The interface will look something like this:

 The app will scan any large masses in the area and will place Humpty Dumpty on top of the large mass. While the app is scanning the phone will show a transparent scanning animation.At the bottom of the screen there will be an option to throw your yo-yo. You can do different combinations on the screen to get a different move on the yo-yo. Each Humpty you kill gives you experience points. As you gain more experience you learn new combos to do with your yo-yo. The higher the level you are the more humpties that you’re able to find. The benefit of this app would be to promote my animation as well as provide a fun game that can get people to go different places.

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