Sound Matters: SITE SOUND

2 west 13th street. 10th floor. Next to staircase J

  • This space isn’t really in use for something specific, it’s just a corner of the hallway, where this loud machine is working (probably ventilation).
  • People who have to go to the bathroom, the staircase is closed (emergency only)?
  • It’s this really loud machine that is working in this corner. It’s so loud and has a consistency that would help me to concentrate, if there would be seating.
  • I wasn’t specifically looking for a space for this assignment when I found it. However, I had to laugh when I heard the noise from around 2 corners and immediately knew that this will will be one of the soundscapes I want use for the final. When I read the sign I had to laugh even harder (“Shut Down Equipment Immediately in the Event of Unusual Noises”), because this machine was a ridiculous amount of noise. Also, I’m naturally attracted to ongoing/monotone noise, it makes it easier to block out all the noise that is happening in my head and focus on something specific, or absolutely nothing.


Exit Stair A1 (L2 – Floor 1) – UC

  • It’s a staircase that is barely used and connects the ground floor of the UC with the first level underground.
  • There isn’t much of student traffic. It’s either caretaker who get some supplies or students/faculty that go to a specific location. There is a “gym” down there where I saw people having expressive dancing classes.
  • The sight has a great echo, accompanied by a air-con like buzzing in distance. Other than that, the sight is completely silent.
  • I was just walking by to to go another sight of mine (number 3). Anyway, I was whistling and as soon as I entered the staircase my whistle suddenly seemed to be 3 floors above me. This very much confused me in the first second, but than turned in to fascination.


Community showers – L2 UC


  • This is a space that I’ve been using in my first year to take a shower after soccer practice, when I didn’t have time to go home first. It’s located in the L2 of the UC, close to the bike storage room. Everyone is allowed to use the showers, but not a lot of people know about them.
  • It’s students who’re in an athletic team of Parsons or who take dance classes down on this level who usually use these showers. (students mostly)
  • The sound in there isn’t that special, it sound like in a regular looker room.
  • I don’t know how much we’re supposed to interact with the space that we’re using. First, I though this place would be interesting because nobody else will have this one or something similar (I assume that nobody wants to do his project in a room with a toilet, which would be the closest to the acoustics of my sight) Second, the soundscape would get interesting if I could work with the different shower rooms and maybe also include some running water (that would also influence the perception of sound).

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