LP Post #5

In the beginning of the semester, I had said that fashion could be interpreted as anything, even such as a plain white t-shirt. However throughout the semester, my opinion on that slowly began to change. Although I still believe mundane fashion can still be considered as fashion, I think that craft and artisanship should be recognized more. After reading the article “The Rise of the Fashion Hipster”, I realized that it is more of the attitude and the small circle of people that can afford the extremely simple but very expensive clothing that make such fashion appear to be more than what it is, not so much the garment itself. As stated in the article, “we are witnessing the rise of a new consumer class whose purchasing habits are not driven by the notion of luxury, but by irony, camp, and insider humour”. If the t-shirts were not priced over two hundred dollars, I would find it hard to believe these people would still see the fashion in them and the exclusivity behind it. If we were to compare a Vetements logo tee to a Rei Kawakubo dress, most would argue that the dress has more influence as a fashion piece and that has definitely become more of my opinion on fashion now.

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