Inhabited Space: Final

“Rubbish covers the beaches and clutters the rivers, the garbage dump is not properly managed, and more than 100 factories spew toxic fumes into the air in the city of Bajos de Haina, a major industrial hub and port city in the Dominican Republic.”

-Gonzalez (

Image result for haina dominican republic

Image result for haina dominican republic

Here, in the city of Haina, pollution seems to conquer, and survival is daily challenge. Through this project, I investigated the dire conditions within this community and designed a structure that may potentially aid the lives in Haina.

I wanted to create a functional space that is open to the public. I researched various water filtration methods that have been implemented in other third world countries and ultimately decided to design a rainwater collection system that incorporated a ceramic pot filter. This form of purification is most cost effective and in my opinion, most suitable for Haina. The filtered water would be collected in a large well in the centre of the building and would extend deep into the ground. Essentially, this water could be collected and used for drinking and cleaning.

A portion of the rainwater would be collected through four cylindrical structures that would potentially hold a series of pipes leading to the shower stalls on the outside of the building. This structure is designed to hold nine communal shower stalls which can be accessed through the stairs running up the side of the building.

The structure itself incorporates mainly natural textures including brick, grass, ceramic, stone, wood, and metal, in addition to mosaic detailing that can be found throughout the building to create interest within the space.

As much as I intended to create a structure that included aesthetic elements, my priorities lie in designing a space that is functional and necessary for the city of Haina. The purpose of this structure is to elevate the quality of life for the impoverished and to incite a glimpse of hope by providing clean water in a place of gathering.

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