Exercises in Style

This was a short writing exercise we did in class where we first described an event that happened the previous day and then described it again using different rules each time.


Verging on the point of being late for my class, I left my dorm room in a hurry. But as I’m midway to the University Center, I get a strange sense that I forgot something back in my room. A sinking feeling in my chest, I open my bag to find my wallet missing. Luckily my roommate was in our room, so I called her to ask her to bring it down while I made the trek back. Consequently, I ended up being 10 minutes late.


I casually walk out the door to head to class exactly 15 minutes before it starts, timed perfectly to arrive the minute class starts. Strutting down the street, I check my bag and sigh wistfully.


The door slammed behind me. The brisk clicking of my boots as I walk down the street. Frantically rustling through my backpack with the crackle of plastic bags. I impatiently listen to the ring of the dial tone. 

Two Words

Almost late. Leaves room. Strange feeling. Wallet missing. Calling roommate. Walking back. Very frustrated. Gets wallet. Walks again. Marked late.

One Sentence

Verging on on the point of being late for my class, I left my dorm room in such a rush that it’s only when I’m midway to the University Center that I get a strange sense I forgot something back in my room and check my backpack only to find that my wallet was missing. 

No E’s

I ran out of my dorm room in a hurry to avoid missing the start of my class. But as I’m midway through walking, I look in my bag only to find my ID card missing and I frantically call Madison to ask if it’s back at the dorm. 

Freestyle (Three Words)

Late for class, leaves in hurry. But midway through, gets strange feeling. Double checks bag, finds wallet missing. Frantically calls roommate, luckily she’s there. Walks back quickly, gets wallet back. Runs entire way, unfortunately very late. Second time late, so very bitter.

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