Bridge 2: Reflection Essay

To Transcend

The verb ‘transcend’ is a Middle English word derived from the Latin word ‘transcendere’, which links the words ‘trans’ (across) and ‘scendere’ (climb) for a combined meaning of climbing across, surpassing and/or exceeding something. It first originated in the mid 14th century and has seen a steady increase in usage from the 20th century onwards.

While its main denotative meaning is to ascend and rise above or go beyond the ordinary limits of something immaterial 1, it has quite a broad definition and denotes many other things as well. For example, it can also mean to pass over a physical object or surpass a person or achievement 1, as well as to go above and beyond the universe and material existence of reality 3. It is typically used in reference to abstract concepts and carries spiritual and mystical connotations, as it implies a sense of elevation to a godly status in a religious and philosophical context. This in turn causes us to view the word in a positive manner and associate it with being something greater than just ordinary. Furthermore, it insinuates eternal ascendance, where there is no end in sight and you just keep moving upwards.

However, although Eleni and I both share a passion for design and strive to consistently improve our skills and surpass our previous selves, our focus differed slightly. I placed a heavier emphasis on the conceptual development of my ideas, seeking to expand my horizons and gain more knowledge in order to go beyond the norm and create something new and original. On the other hand, Eleni concentrated more on her technical skills, on how she had been and wishes to continue advancing them in order to elevate herself higher as a designer. Nonetheless, the essence of our experiences were extremely similar – we both wanted to convey a sense of moving forwards, a state of ascendance and the act of surpassing something. Hence we decided to choose ‘transcend’ as our verb, as we believe that it not only serves as an extremely adept representation of our previous experiences, but it is also a very fitting embodiment of our future aspirations.

We both visualize ourselves in the midst of a journey filled with limitless possibilities, walking up a path of never ending stairs. With each step we take, we are elevating ourselves higher and higher and becoming better and better. There is not an end in sight, as we believe there is always something more to surpass, something else we can learn. Moreover, it expresses our joint desire to gain more knowledge and go beyond the limits and boundaries of our mind – almost as if entering a different state of reality.

Overall, we feel that the verb ‘transcend’ reflects the numerous stages of the creative process and our feelings towards them, whether it is the determination to surpass our previous projects, or the yearning to elevate ourselves by a greater scale each time. Its rich and abstract meaning is broad enough to be able to encompass both of our experiences and all the different aspects of them, clearly communicating their central theme.

  1. OED Online, s.v. ”transcend, v,” accessed October 2 2016. Oxford University Press,
  2. OED Online, s.v. ”transcend, v,” accessed October 2 2016. Oxford University Press,
  3. Merriam-Webster Online, s.v. “Transcend,” accessed October 3, 2016,

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