Slum Art- Final

Assignment Daft 1:

Final Piece:

Thesis Statement:

In general, artists from outside are coming to slums in places such as Brazil, Kenya and New York and transforming homes for what is thought to be the betterment of people.

Ideas (Before Class):

For this assignment, I had to create a prototype for the final project linked to the same topic of ‘Art in the Slums.’ Moreover, I decided to create somewhat of an instillation. Therefore, for my prototype i sketched out and painted a hillside slum on 2 different pieces of paper, layering one over the other. For my final piece, I would like to create a large 18×18 model, laser cut on wood, with approximately 3 layers , painting each layer inspired the work of an artist in a specific city (organized by most popular artists).

After Class Changes:

After I received feedback from my classmates, I decided to incorporate information scattered throughout each layer and leave some spaces blank (not paint each building) showing the wood. Also since each piece would be smaller and smaller, I was recommended to make the size range begin with 18×24.


For my final piece, I decided to create 4 pieces, all inspired by different artists, the biggest being the artists that created the largest impact on the area and its residents rather than the more popular works since my essay focused more on whether or not the murals had a positive impact on the slum. The largest piece consisted of the work inspired by the Maasai Mbili community the next piece included work from JR, then the murals of Haas and Hahn and lastly Joel Bergner. Also, I created a stand to display each piece standing up right therefore easy to slide out. Since it was an interactive piece with information about the objectives of the artists and its impact on the residents.

Final Individual Layers:

Joel Bergner


Haas & Hahn




Maasai Mbili

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