Presenting Self: Artist Statement

I am a Russian-Israeli artist that straddles the lines between architecture, design, and visual art. Raised in Aula, small town in the north of Israel, psychology, movement, and structural experiment are main principles in my concepts in architecture and design. I integrate my process and concepts through drawings, collaging, modeling, and painting. I experiment with structure and materiality to develop architecture that serves as an environment for better function when occupying the space. Essentially, my work results in the impression of “Frozen Movement”. This is thoroughly represented throughout my projects such as Ribbons, which is a kindergarten that is structured by only curvilinear walls to represent the movement of a kindergarten student. Also I designed a Firehouse where the walls appear tilted outward to resemble the eroded movements of a fireman while on duty. Le Corbusier, Marcel Breuer, and Frank Gehry highly impact my work.

My work has been recognized as First Place at the Michigan Industrial Education Awards and shown in a group shoup with fellow student at the Sullivan Galley in Chicago.

I currently attend Parsons School of Design in New York City. Majoring in architectural design; I explore sustainability within architecture, hoping that later my work will lift out of my drawing and models to be realized in physical form that is artful and seeks to maximize positive impact on the environment.

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