Jackson Pollock – Eruption

Jackson Pollock


This artist came to mind after I was sitting in a chair for 3 hours and felt like erupting. Jackson Pollock is a painter that makes work by splattering paint on canvas, essentially, erupting. He uses his emotions to direct his next drip of paint–resulting in abstract expressionism. This is why Pollock suits my theme of eruption.

The reason I am interested in his work is because it is very rebellious. He was making art at a time when Picasso was starting to succeed with his cubism movement and was taking over the art world. This time period is when Pollock began his “drip painting” movement. Pollock’s response to these beautifully, well-rounded pieces that have been emerging was to lay out a canvas and splatter paint and call it art.


Jackson Pollock’s biography: https://www.biography.com/people/jackson-pollock-9443818



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