Robert Mapplethorpe Photograph

Robert Mapplethorpe

Brian Ridley and Lyle Heeter


In this image, two men are standing in a room, both dressed in leather black. The room as seen, contain a persian rug, side table with wooden legs which holds a clock that shows about 6 o’clock, a lamp, and multiple books. The chair in which one of the figures is seated on is leather which resonated with the look of both characters. The figure in the chair is chained in two seperate ways, his legs chained together to his hip, and his arm is wrapped by a chain which leads the second figure, standing, to hold it like a leash. The standing figure is holding a sword-like stick on the other hand and his shadow covers most of the back wall, besides the window and curtains. It seems as the standing figure is superior to the sitting figure due to his hat and the fact that the standing figure is holding onto the chains wrapped around the sitting figures body, representing control.

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