Bridge 3: Process Documentation

The week we were given the class time to work on our installation was the day we accomplished nothing but progressed intensely. That day we were on a mission to purchase some types of columns and a flat curvilinear plane. We had multiple ideas of the instillation, but after we went from store to store struggling to find the right materials, we kept expanding on new ideas. We did fail to find our materials that day, but throughout the journey we managed to get a better understanding of what we are going to create. Finding sensory references to include came later. Due to the fact that our whole installation was a reference to the Grand Central clock, main part of our story, each artifact we chose was an object in the story that brought us closer to finding this clock. For the sensory, we wanted to make the audience enjoy their experience and be curious, resulting in the display of toys that resemble our story accurately and cover all senses.


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