Bridge 1

I learnt several writing skills from Bridge 1. Some of the new techniques that I utilized were writing about my memories, editing lines to create a fluid piece, and provoking my memory in order to recall specific information to recreate the experience for an outsider. Generally, my experience with in class writing has been comparing multiple texts in a cohesive essay. However, writing about my own personal experience, gave my memories space. I am unsure if these memories would have surfaced in my life if I hadn’t complete this assignment. Furthermore, plainly recalling an event in my head was not as powerful putting it on paper in direct correlation to other memories. Memories in my head are more scattered and it was pleasant to put it down on paper in an organized manner. There are many technical skills that I struggled with because of the overwhelming nature of delving into your own mind. One of the major barriers I hit was editing. Not only was it difficult to form associative memories but also their sequence was also difficult to figure out. In the end, I had so many raw memories that editing seemed like an unsurmountable task. I attempted to cut down on the memories but it was also difficult to decipher which memories were pertinent to my theme of losing my innocence. In the end, I could have removed a lot more memories in order to fulfill the word criteria of the assignment.

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