Cryptid: Saampvatha


The inspiration for this were Indian mythical creatures such as Airavata (a magic flying elephant) and Naga (a mischievous snake deity).


I wanted the creature to be grounded in reality, but i didn’t have the modelling skills to make the 3-D model realistic enough. To compensate I grounded the creature in the reality through it’s backstory.


I had to learn 3-D modelling, and research how to make moving joints in the software. I also researched animals from Indian folklore and areas where my cryptid could potentially live.


I would learn Maya/Blender to make a more complex model. I would also try and experiment with different colors and how I could use that to enhance the model’s

credibility and backstory.


The Sampvatha (Samp-UH-Vutha) is a creature found in the Shivalik foothills of Uttar Pradesh, India. There have been many sightings of the Sampvatha by local villagers, the adivasi tribes and the ascetic communities who live in and around these forests.

Sightings of the animal were first reported in the early 1750s. It was described as an elephant like creature with a terrifying snake tale and small (presumed) vestigial wings. Locals often refer to the animal as a descendant of the holy elephant Airavata. The forests’ ascetic communities report the most number of sightings as the Saampvatha is drawn to the smell of burning herbs (especially Cannabis) that are are a part of tribe’s religious traditions.

The Sampvatha is said to be slightly smaller than the average Indian elephant. None have been seen flying so it’s wings are theorized to be vestigial organs that were previously extra feet. It’s snake tail is it’s defense mechanism against predators that take advantage of it’s small size.

There have been many sightings of small footprints, rotting feathers with bones, and abnormally large skin sheddings. Some local restaurants claim t

o sell Sampvatha meat, but further investigation revealed that it was just beef laced with some mild hallucinogen.

There have been no concrete proof (photographs, videos, etc) of the Sampvatha. Interest and search for this creature has waned in the 21st century. But a few dedicated individuals and gullible tourists go out into the forests of Shivalik every year to find it and boost the area’s tourism revenue.






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