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I want to create a product that would be used in a future society in which the world has virtually turned into a wasteland. The oceans have filled with pollution and the air is thick with emitted smoke from the factories that cover the land. My product will be made for the people in this society that want to replace their polluted view with the beautiful landscapes that have been destroyed. I will create a pair of sunglasses that have a sensor that attaches to the back of the head where the visual cortex is located. The visual cortex controls visual perception so, with the help of technological advancements, this sensor would be able to control what the wearer is seeing and manipulate their vision into seeing the desired beautiful view. All the user needs to do in order to activate the product is to put the sunglasses on and situate the sensor to the lower back of the head, double tap it and then their view would be successfully manipulated. This would ultimately bring the user an ability to escape for a little bit from the crowded and polluted Earth that they are living in and provide a sense of peace and happiness. 


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