Planar Project

To start out the planar project I first scored a caliper out of thin cardboard and after seeing what I needed to improve based on that model I constructed a new caliper out of wood. I used the wood shop to cut each piece according to the measurements guidelines I had to follow, I drilled holes, and finally connected the pieces with small wood bit pieces.


From there I used the final wood model caliper to score out different shapes that I connected together by cutting slits into the shapes then used tape to create a demo for my final planar shapes which I would eventually transform these shapes into acrylic pieces.

Taking pictures of these individual pieces I put the pictures in illustrator and traced them so I could continue to the laser lab.

I purchased acrylic pieces from Canal Plastics and cut them out in the laser lab…From there I took the pieces to the wood shop and cut the slits according to my scored demo model. I then played with different ways to put them together according to the acrylic pieces


After these were constructed the incident with the fire happened and I was unable to be taught how to connect them with metal and drill bits, but my professor Derek did give me a short demo in class on how to do perform how I could connect them in the future. Here I learned how to bend the thin sheet metal, drill holes into it according to where it needed to go on my pieces, and finally connect them with small screws.

My final model resulted in this formation:


I extremely enjoyed this planar project because I was exposed to the laser cutter which no other teacher had taught me to use previously. Although there were complications with the building fire I was able to at least construct my model how I pictured it from starting with scoring, using the calipers that I constructed myself, Adobe Illustrator, the laser lab, and finally the wood shop for the slits to connect the rest of the pieces. The model with just the slits was steady, but it would have been more steady had I continued to used sheet metal and screws around the acrylic pieces. The final piece reminds me of a space craft or some type of satellite sent up out of Earth to perform a variety of different tasks like earth observation, space colonization, or planetary exploration.

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